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Sugar has always been a cyclical commodity and India has always been at a receiving end.

Being the second largest producer and largest consumer of sugar in the world, when India is low on production and wants to import, international sugar prices increase. When India is high on production and wants to export, prices go down.


The Sugar Factory was established in 1933 at Baheri, District Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, a state which is one of the largest producers of sugarcane in the country.


The commenced production of sugar in its very first season with a crushing capacity of 800 TCD. Thereafter, in Kesar's relentless pursuit to achieve a benchmark, its capacity was increased to 7200 TCD.


Sugarcane quality plays a vital role in achieving higher profitability. KEL has given the right thrust to its Cane Development Programs with its broad-based initiatives in encouraging and educating the local farmers. Through these programs, it has ensured that any breakthrough in research and development is implemented in the sugar cane fields. Farmers are persuaded to grow high sugar-yielding varieties of sugarcane by way of offering them cash incentives and subsidies on seeds.


Cane growing competitions, farmers meetings and educational camps are also conducted to promulgate the latest techniques in agricultural technology. The company has always kept in line with modern technologies in seed replacement, soil treatment fertilizer usage and disease prevention. Regular surveys are also undertaken to ensure that the right steps are implemented.


Through constant investment in Cane Research & Development programs, the company has successfully developed high yielding and early maturing varieties of sugarcane.


The company is one of the most modern and efficient sugar factories in the country. Large-scale sugar production enables a value addition of its by-products. Keeping this in view, productivity has been enhanced by investing in value addition.

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The sophisticated infrastructure combined with up to date technology enables KEL to smoothly progress into an integrated model comprising of sugar, spirits and co-generation of power. Today, with a judicious blend of planning and modern technology, the plant produces high efficiency levels whilst maintaining reduced energy consumption.


The sugar produced by KEL is of superior quality and commands a high premium over other brands in the market. However, even with all these preset standards, KEL is not content to merely rest on its laurels alone.

Future Expansion / Modernization

“KEL has revised its plans to install a bagasse-based co-generation power plant. The company will partially export power to the grid and will benefit from the well-established government policies related to renewable energy.


The company has also successfully completed many modifications in the Boiler house, thereby reducing the steam % Cane from 50% to 42% on Cane.


The company is currently working on expansion plan to increase the capacity to 10000 TCD.” 


Community Services

KEL has been augmenting rural infrastructures like building/repairing roads, improving drainage facilities, and building culverts, etc. KEL organizes health camps and undertakes annual tree plantation drives. The Company also runs schools & hospital / dispensary for benefit of employees & their families as well as the local community.


©2025 by Kesar Enterprises Limited.

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