Every few years, companies reach a point where they need to re-invent themselves. Rediscover the magic. Revisit the opportunity. And recreate.
Companies that do not recognize this point go through diminishing returns. Those that do, and reinvent themselves, offer high growth and returns to the shareholders. This point is called inflection!
At Kesar, we have an integrated model. The entire integration is at inflection.

Company Profile
The origin of Kesar Enterprises Ltd. (KEL) can be traced back to over a hundred years ago, when Kilachand Devchand strode a confident path to Bombay from a distant village in Gujarat, Patan. Since then, he and his succeeding generations have pioneered the formation and rise of the Kilachand Group, one of the largest houses for industry and trade in cotton and oilseeds. With the rising needs of a growing nation, their businesses expanded into Shipping, Aircrafts, Banking, Automobiles, Marketing, Insurance, Thermoplastics, Synthetic Rubber and Textiles in an ever-widening sphere of industry.
Established in the year 1933, Kesar Enterprises Limited (KEL) grew as a member of the Kilachand group. Now, as KEL proudly crosses the threshold of 90 years, with major expansion and modernization plans on the brink of completion, the company is heading to reach new heights.
KEL has evolved into one of the leading industrial houses in Uttar Pradesh, North India. Engaged in the manufacture, marketing & sale of a variety of products, KEL’s highly diversified activities may be broadly classified into the following three divisions:
The Sugar division is engaged in the business of the manufacture & sale of Sugar & its by-products​
Spirits division is concerned with the manufacture & sale of alcohol & alcoholic beverages​
Power division is involved in the generation of power from bagasse​
All divisions of KEL are ISO 9001:2008 certified.
KEL has journeyed a long way from its humble establishment in 1933. Completing 90 years in 2024, the company’s commitment to higher growth & profit regimes has resulted in installation of latest technology for the Sugar division, breakthrough R & D for Sugar & efficient utilization of resources.
The company has implemented an integrated, robust business model, the results of which are manifest in KEL’s burgeoning growth & success.

Board of Directors
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
The origin of Kesar Enterprises Ltd. (formerly known as The Kesar Sugar Works Limited), a 500 Crore multidivisional and multi locational Company can be traced back to the year 1932 when it was started and nurtured by the Kilachand family with sugar production as its primary objective. Since then, it has explored into diverse areas like Alcohol, Chemicals, Liquor, Power etc.
In March 2010 the Company was demerged and the Storage division at Kandla is now under a new banner “Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Limited”. Visit here for more details: http://www.kesarinfra.com
Co-generation Power Plant
A milestone project for the company is the implementation of a Bagasse fuel based 44 MW Co-generation Power Plant at its sugar facility in Uttar Pradesh. The Co-generation plant is commissioned in July 2012 and KEL is exporting power to electricity grid. The plant has been incorporated with the latest design and will be equipped with a 190 ton/ hour, 115 ata Boiler and a 44 MW Turbine, making it one of the biggest, and most efficient in India.
Joint Project In Madhya Pradesh
We take great pleasure to announce that the Bhoomi Poojan Ceremony of Composite Logistics Hub Project of Kesar Multimodal Logistics Limited will take place on 22nd October 2012 at Powarkheda, Madhya Pradesh.
Kesar Multimodal Logistics Ltd (KMLL) is the SPV Company of Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Ltd & Kesar Enterprises Limited and is developing a ‘Composite Logistics Hub’ at Powarkheda near Itarsi under a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Logistics Hub will comprise of a Private Freight Terminal with railway sidings, warehousing complex, cold storage, bonded warehouses, Inland Container Depot, Agri product processing units and modern cargo handling & storage facilities spread over 88.3 acres of land located strategically on the intersection of East-West, North-South corridor of the Indian railway network.
A Special Purpose Vehicle i.e. Kesar Multimodal Logistics Ltd. (KMLL) incorporated by the Consortium of Kesar Terminals & Infrastructure Limited (KTIL) & Kesar Enterprises Limited (KEL), has entered into a Concession Agreement with The Madhya Pradesh State Agricultural Marketing Board (Mandi Board) for setting up of a “Composite Logistics Hub” at Pawarkheda, Madhya Pradesh on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model.
Code of
All employees shall report at their respective workplaces at the time fixed and notified by the management. An employee reporting late shall be governed by the rules as may be in force from time to time.
All employees are strongly encouraged to distinguish between business and personal interests. For instance, company material, equipment, facilities etc. should not be misused for personal purposes. Employees should avoid actions, which damage the reputation of the Company.
Whenever an employee is invited by external agencies / education institutions / professional bodies, etc. to deliver lectures / make presentations etc., he should first take approval by making a written request to the HR Department, through his immediate superior.
An employee is required to be conscious of time and cost issues and ensure no misuse of the same.
The following acts and omission on part of an employee shall amount to “misconduct” in accordance with the standards of the company / or otherwise:
Willful insubordination of Superiors or disobedience.
Going on an illegal strike or abetting, aiding / instigating or acting in furtherance thereof.
Willful slowing down in performance of work
Engaging in trade within the premises of the Establishment
Drunkenness or disorderly behavior during working hours
Act subversive of discipline
Misuse of power / authority for personal gains.
Taking out any property / document of outside the premises without prior approval of the immediate superior.
Any form of sexual harassment.
For misconduct committed by an employee, the Company may inflict any of the following punishments:
Conflict of Interest: Conflict of Interest is defined as when an individual's personal, economic interests conflict with the interests of his company. The use of one’s position to obtain personal gain or advantage for oneself, members of one’s family or friends may result in a “Conflict of Interest” if the Company’s reputation and good name is jeopardized in any way, even though there may be no immediate or apparent financial loss to the Company.
In order for employees to be free to act in the best interests of the Company, they or members of their immediate families should not engage in any activity or have any outside interest which might conflict with the Company’s interest in any way, be harmful or publicity detrimental to the Company, or deprive the Company of their loyalty in carrying out its policies and satisfactory performance of their duties.
A conflict of interest is deemed to exist where:
An employee holds an outside position, which affects the performance of his / her work for the Company.
An employee is an employee of or consultant to any public or private concern which is a competitor, a supplier or a dealer of the Company.
An employee or a member of his / her immediate family acquires an interest in a firm which to his / her knowledge, the Company is investigating or with which the Company is carrying on or contemplating negotiations for merger, consolidation, acquisition or joint venture.
An employee or a member of his / her immediate family deals in the Company’s stock based on information gained in the course of performance of the employee’s duties and not available to the public or otherwise misuses information available to or gained by the employee through his / her employment.
All KEL employees should consider and handle KEL documents as Company property and these should not be released to outside people or organizations without express permission of the Management.
KEL employees must use good judgement and maintain a high degree of honesty and integrity when dealing with suppliers, customers and vendors. All bids and quotations submitted to KEL must be evaluated on the basis of quality, service, reliability and price, along with the financial stability of the suppliers.